24-Hour Confidential Hotline is available to find help and information regarding domestic violence and/or sexual assault by calling, 1-888-966-2350.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Crisis Response, Advocacy and Support is provided 24-hours a day by request of the victim, law enforcement, emergency room, and other community members. An advocate can be reached through the hotline (number above), or during business hours at the community office, 209-742-5865.
Emergency Shelter is available for victims of intimate partner domestic violence and their families escaping a violent home along with sexual assault victims. To talk about emergency shelter options, call the 24-Hour Hotline or during business hours at the community office, 209-742-5865.
“MCS provides hope, support, advocacy, and empowerment for those who are or who have been victims of intimate partner domestic violence and/or sexual assault.”
A Safe Place