Domestic Violence is an increasing problem and with education/awareness we can help survivors/victims reach out for help. Check out these past events we have hosted over the years.
“Take Back the Night” was held on October 5, 2023 at the Mariposa County Courthouse. We had a group of individuals who marched from the MCS office up to the Courthouse where the main event was held. It was a huge success with over 30 attendees.
Denim Day April 24, 2024 was a SUCCESS celebrating 25 years of DENIM!
Check out Kaitlyn Wagoner, Program Specialist Newspaper Article: 25 Years of Denim
This year, we hosted a virtual campaign called “Mariposa Against Sexual Violece” in which we asked the community to answer an anonymous survey and answer one question: “Mariposa County Community Members, what are your thoughts surrounding sexual violence?” Pictures below reflect responses provided as part of the campaign.
April 2021, we were still in the isolation period and virtual appearances. We participated in National Sexual Violence Resource Center’s #30DaysOfSAAM. Kristen Fiester and Kaitlyn Wardle did a podcast with ETHOS on SAAM, check out the written version: ETHOS SAAM Podcast
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 pandemic, we had to host Denim Day virtually. We did not get the expected numbers doing it virtually but we were trying to master a world that was shut down and where everyone was stuck in isolation.
The Consent Test
Consent is a like fries; freely given, reversible, informed, enthusiastic, and specific. It is an ongoing conversation through out your relationships and is a focus for Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2020.
Mountain Crisis Services has launched their own “The Consent Test.” with help from NSVRC toolkit. By clicking the link, you are consenting to take this quiz to test your consenting abilities. Feel free to share your results and show everyone you know how to consent! #SAAM2020 #IAsk
Program Specialist Katy Wardle, went in front of the Board of Supervisors asking to proclaim the month of January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Human Trafficking is a very serious issue and is a growing problem. California is the nations #1 state for Human Trafficking, every county is seeing the numbers of victims rise, this includes Mariposa.
The board voted unanimously in the favor of passing the proclamation. Check out the article with statistics and findings Katy Wardle brought attention to during this meeting. Educate yourself and others on what Human Trafficking is and the tactics being used. No one person is safe from this horrific crime.
“MCS provides hope, support, advocacy, and empowerment for those who are or who have been victims of intimate partner domestic violence and/or sexual assault.”
A Safe Place