Facts about Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence is about one person using their power to control another person.

Consider These Statistics.

Every 9 seconds a woman is beaten…

  • More women are injured by domestic violence than are injured in auto accidents, muggings or rapes, combined.
  • 40% of female homicides occur as a result of domestic violence.
  • 57% of all homeless women and children are victims of domestic violence.
  • 60% of battered women report that their first abusive relationship began in high school.
  • 36% of high school relationships involve some type of violence.
  • One in five teenage girls report to have suffered physical and/or sexual violence at the hands of a dating partner.
  • One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime
  • An estimated 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year.
  • 85% of domestic violence victims are women.
  • Historically, females have been most often victimized by someone they knew.
  • Females who are 20-24 years of age are at the greatest risk of nonfatal intimate partner violence
  • Most cases of domestic violence are never reported to the police.
  • Domestic violence is one of the most chronically underreported crimes. Only approximately one-quarter of all physical assaults, one-fifth of all rapes, and one-half of all stalking is perpetuated against females by intimate partners are reported to the police.
  • Almost one-third of female homicide victims that are reported in police records are killed by an intimate partner.
  • In 70-80% of intimate partner homicides, no matter which partner was killed, the man physically abused the woman before the murder.
  • Less than one-fifth of victims reporting an injury from intimate partner violence sought medical treatment following the injury.
  • Intimate partner violence results in more than 18.5 million mental health care visits each year.

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