34 Things You Should Tell Yourself

34 Things You Should Tell Yourself

  1. I am lovable
  2. I am a good person
  3. I deserve to be
  4. I am responsible for my own happiness
  5. I profoundly and deeply accept myself
  6. I have realistic expectations of myself
  7. My opinion of me is more important than others’ opinion of me
  8. What I want for myself is more important than what others want from me
  9. I don’t need other people’s approval
  10. I believe the world is a good place and I have a place in it
  11. My feelings are just feelings, neither good or bad
  12. I don’t compare myself to others
  13. I am proud of me
  14. I ask for help because I am worth someone else’s time
  15. I acknowledge my good qualities; not to do so would be to cheat myself
  16. I accept challenges as a way to grow
  17. I cannot satisfy all of my needs, but I am responsible to see them satisfied
  18. I am accommodating and still retain myself respect
  19. I am still lovable even if I have been rejected by others
  20. I am where I need to be for right now; I am enough for today
  21. I say what I feel; what I have to say is important to me
  22. I am capable of defining my own limits and setting my own priorities
  23. I have the right to ask for what I need and want
  24. I will rebuild my life on the foundation of my positive traits
  25. I trust my decisions
  26. I am human; I make mistakes
  27. I have a right to be wrong
  28. To dream of what I wish I was is to waste what I am
  29. I deserve it; why settle for less?
  30. I have a right to be treated with respect
  31. It’s okay to change my mind
  32. The only person who can reject me is me
  33. How I think or feel is not what I am
  34. I look for my stars not my scars

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